

What initiates change? Whether it's a few habits or a lifestyle there is nearly always one thing that pinpoints that moment. For me it was several.

At the grand old age of 35 my body decided that the subtle signals that it had been giving me for years were not getting through. I wasn't eating particularly well, drinking far more than I should, not exercising as much as I used to and I was getting stressed far too easily.

I had painful mouth ulcers nearly all of the time - an ongoing joke with my husband that I never wanted to kiss him. I always felt lethargic and spaced out, not really with it.  My memory was appalling and everything was just so much effort. I caught every bug going and had a twice yearly tonsillitis infection that knocked me for 6 every time. I got bloated, had stomach aches and just couldn't shift the extra weight I'd gained after 2 babies despite trying lots of different diets. The final insult to injury was acne - I mean who gets acne in their mid 30s! In the end I just assumed that it was life and the small price you pay for having 2 beautiful, healthy, extremely active children.

When I read back through the list I'm amazed I didn't do something earlier, but it had all just crept up slowly over years. When I did finally get around to seeing a doctor, everything was fine as far as he was concerned but told me I was obviously stressed.

Cue the wake-up call, I was in my mid thirties and yet felt closer to 60. There was no way I could carry on this way. Despite the doctors assurance that it was stress and that I should just learn to 'chill out' more,  I felt that I really needed to start approaching my life and lifestyle differently, and so started my journey.

Several years later I'm healthier and fitter than I have ever been. I have more energy, I no longer catch every illness going, and all my symptoms have pretty much gone (I still have a battle with acne but that's another story!). Who would have thought that a few changes could cause such an amazing difference, certainly not me otherwise I would have started far sooner!

I'd love to share with you what I did, what I have learnt and what I am still learning about. I am certainly no doctor or expert and everything I write is just my opinion. I hope to include information about things that interest me, worked well for me plus recipes and things I changed that all helped me to feel better.

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